

Former Secretary of ACW (Algemeen Christelijk Werknemersverbond)-Limburg (Confederation of Christian Trade Unions)

Koen Albregts holds a Master’s degree in Economics (Louvain 1975). During his career, he has been very active in several social organizations and other institutions linked to the Christian workers movement in Belgium. Today, he is Director of companies for the integration and employment of people with intellectual disabilities and their federation. He is also Director in a social credit institution for housing and in a cooperative for better governance in sport. He is also Reader at UCLL (University Colleges Leuven-Limburg).

President of CIRIEC
President of CIRIEC-France


Graduate of the University of Paris-Assas in Economics and the National School of Customs, Alain Arnaud has held positions of responsibility in state administration, health, social protection, and financial sector. He began his career in the Judicial Service of the National Directorate of Customs Investigations, for which he became responsible, and was in charge of the communication department of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. He then held various positions in the French mutualist movement, including Chief Executive Officer of the Banque Française Mutualiste, President of the Mutualité Fonction Publique (MFP), President of the IMM, mutualist hospital in Paris, Board Member of the Mutualité Française. He was also a Board Member of the National Health Insurance Fund. He is now President of a specialized financing company, INTER INVEST, and Vice-president of the Mutuelle des Douanes.

Fatima BÁNEZ
Minister of Employment and Social Security

Fátima Báñez is a Spanish politican, economist and jurist. She entered the Congress of Deputies for the first time in 2000 as a member of the Huelva Province. She was re-elected in 2004 and 2008. Within the parliamentary institution, she was appointed on different committees: Committee on Economy and Finance, Committee on Budgets and Rules Committee; she is also a member of the Bureau of the Congress and has also been one of the rapporteurs of the State’s general budget for 2009. Since 2011, she has been Minister of Employment and Social Security of the Spanish Government.

President and CEO of FondAction (Development Fund for Cooperation and Employment of the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CNTU) Québec
President of CIRIEC-Canada

Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Fondaction, Léopold Beaulieu has worked for more than 40 years in the construction of institutions aimed at their financial and economic development, as well as their social and environmental impacts. He helps to chart new paths in the fields of finance and economic development. Léopold Beaulieu is also Director of several organizations within the cooperative and mutualist movement, the social economy, socially responsible finance, cultural heritage and sustainable development, in Quebec and at the international level. Co-founder and Vice-president of the Desjardins Solidarity Fund, he is also President of CIRIEC-Canada, Co-president of the International Association for Free Software (Ai2L), Vice-president of International Solidarity Development and Member of the Board of Directors of ESS Forum International (Mont-Blanc Meetings).

European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

After completing his master’s degree in Oriental Philology at the Jagiellonian University, Elżbieta Bieńkowska obtained a postgraduate degree at the National School of Public Administration in Poland. From 2007 to 2013, she was Minister of Regional Development of Poland. She then became Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Development. Since 2014, she is European Commissioner for Industry, Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.

Semra BOĞA
Assistant Professor at the Gelişim University of Istanbul

Semra Boğa is an assistant professor of economics at Istanbul Gelişim University. She completed her master’s degree in International Business Management and PhD degree in Economics. Her main research areas in economics are the vulnerabilites of developing countries, economic crises, and international capital flows. Before her academic career at the university, she served small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises to contribute their internationalization processes.

Minister-President of the Walloon Government

As a trained lawyer, he started in politics at municipal level. Between 2001 and 2004, he joined the cabinet of the Minister of the Environment and Lands. Besides, he is also involved at the provincial level and became an Effective Member of the Committee on Sustainable Development, Congress of Local and. Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe (Strasbourg). It was then on the benches of the Walloon Parliament and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation that he continued his political commitment, first as Deputy and then as Chairman of the MR Group. In 2014, he joined the Federal Government where he served as Minister for the Middle Classes, Independents, Small and Medium Enterprises, Agriculture and Social Integration. In July 2017, he became Minister-President of Wallonia.

Director of the Institute of Rural Studies at the Pontificia Javeriana University of Bogotá

Graduated in Business Administration (Universidad Javeriana) and Doctor of Administration from the University of Sherbrooke (Canada), Marietta Bucheli is Professor of Rural Development at Javeriana University in Bogotá. She works in various international universities. She has been devoting herself for more than 20 years to the study of solidarity forms and their effects on local and rural development. She is Director of the Rural Studies Institute at the Javeriana University since 2009 and is coordinating the Solidarity Studies Unit since 2014. She is also Director of the Journal Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural (International Journal of Rural Development).

Sébastien BUSIRIS
Secretary General of the Trade Union Federation of Employees and Executives of Force Ouvrière (FEC-FO)

Sébastien Busiris began his career at LCL Bank and Insurance in 1993 as Customer Advisor before being elected in 1995 as Member of the Establishment Committee and of the CHSCT Crédit Lyonnais. Afterwards, he successively became Manager FO Crédit Lyonnais Ile-de-France and Member of the Crédit Lyonnais Central Committee. In 1997, he joined the national delegation FO Crédit Lyonnais before becoming its main national delegate in 2000. In 2017, he became Secretary of the Federal Section FO Banks and Financial Companies, and Deputy Secretary of the Trade Union Federation of Employees and Executives of Force Ouvrière (FEC-FO). He was recently elected – in May 2018 – Secretary General of the FEC-FO.

President of Technologia

Holder of a DESS in econometrics at Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne University and Member of the Institute of Actuaries, Marc CHENAIS has been for nearly 20 years the President of TECHNOLOGIA, Expertise firm specialized in evaluation and prevention occupational risks. As a man of action, he took part in several missions in all sectors, in particular on the themes of reorganizations, psychosocial risks and workspace arrangements. Actively seeking solutions to make the quality of life at work one of the major levers of social dialogue, he initiated the research that led to the development of the IRIS QVT piloting software.

Member of EESC
Director of European and International Affairs at the National Union of Socialist Mutual Health Funds (UNMS)/Solidaris 

Alain Coheur studied at the Faculty of Medicine, at Public Health School and at the Faculty of Social and Economic Science. He began his career at the University Hospital of Liège. He has been a Member of the European Economic and Social Committee since 2015 and President of the “Council Wallonia Brussels for the International Cooperation” since 2017. He coordinates various cross-border healthcare projects in Europe after taking part in the management of the Belgian health system. From 2013 to 2014, he was a Member of the Board of Directors of the Belgian Development Agency (ENABEL) and became a Member of the European Commission Expert Group on Social Entrepreneurship, GECES.

Solution Sales Cyber Security at Sogeti

Since 1985, Patricia Cordonnier has been developing software solutions and services on the Belgian and Luxembourg market for international companies. During this period, she was for 10 years in charge of developing various partnerships to complete or refine the market solutions proposed, mainly in infrastructure projects. Since 2015, she has focused on security solutions in the context of digital transformation, where most companies are targeting their business objectives.

Rector of the University of Liège

Albert Corhay is Professor of Accounting and Finance at the University of Liège. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Liège and a PhD from Cambridge (United Kingdom). His research interests focus on accounting and finance, particularly on econometrics applied to finance. He was Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences. In 2005, he was elected Senior Vice-Rector, a position he held for nine years. In October 2014, he became Rector of the University of Liège.

Vice-President of IBM – Global Technology Services – Strategic Sales Europe

Engineer by training, Koen de Laet is passionate about developing and managing strategic partnerships with international clients to generate real business results in the new digital age. He enjoys working with companies such as LLoyds (UK), Evry (Norway), Lufthansa (Germany), Fiat-Chrysler Automobiles (Italy – USA), BNP Paribas Group (Belgium – France), ABN AMRO (Netherlands), etc. He joined IBM in 2007 and became Vice President of Strategic Sales in 2016.

Jacques DEBRY
Managing Director of Febecoop

Jacques Debry is a lawyer by training (University of Liège, 1973) and has also been Assistant for two years at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oran (Algeria). He then became a lawyer (registered at the Liège bar from 1976 to 1980). In 1980, he joined FEBECOOP as a Executive Officer until 1982. He then joined the management committee of MULTIPHARMA, a cooperative society that operates the largest pharmacy network in Belgium. He will have a long career there until 2016, successively holding several management positions. He will also advise the Executive Committee of the European Union of Social Pharmacies between 2000 and 2016. Member of the Board of Directors of FEBECOOP since 1986, he takes over in 2017 an active function within the association which he is today Managing Director.

Mayor of the city of Liège
President of the Liège Port Authority

Having been trained as Lawyer, he practiced as a Lawyer at the Liège Bar before starting a political life in 1988 as a Local Councillor of the city of Liège. He was elected Mayor of the city of Liège in 2000. In 2010, in the middle of an institutional and economic crisis, he was elected Senator and Vice-President of the Senate. From 2014 to 2017, he is a Member of the Federal Parliament and joins the Interior Committee in the House of Representatives. He is also involved in the Liege Federation of the PS, where he becomes President from 2005 to 2017. He is currently involved in the project “Reinventing Liege”, which should enable Liège to meet the environmental, social and digital challenges it faces. At the same time, he chairs a number of bodies and associations, including the Liège Port Authority.

Former Minister, former Mayor of the City of Antwerp
President of CIRIEC-Belgium

Leona Detiège is President of the Belgian Section of CIRIEC. As Former Minister, she began her political career in several Ministers’ offices as office collaborator. In 1977, she sat in the House of Representatives and in 1988 became Secretary of State for Pensions and Deputy Minister of Pensions. From 1991 to 1995, she was Senator of the district of Antwerp, city where she comes from. From 1992 to 1995, she became Minister of Employment and Public Health and, later, Social Affairs in the Flemish Government. In 1995, she was elected Mayor of the City of Antwerp, a position that she held for 8 years. From 2012 to 2014 she was again elected Senator. Leona Detiège also served as Chair of the P & V Insurance Users Committee.

Head of Unit “Social Economy”, Clusters, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship
European Commission – Directorate-general for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

After holding several management positions at the Joint Research Center (JRC), an internal scientific service of the European Commission, Ulla Engelmann became Head of Unit of the “Competitiveness Cluster, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship” in early 2017 in the Directorate General for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW).

Executive Director of Aqua Publica Europea

Milo Fiasconaro is Executive Director at Aqua Publica Europea, the European Association of Public Water Operators. He has an extensive professional and academic experience in EU policies, especially in the field of Innovation and Enterprise policies. He holds a Master research degree in economic geography from Durham University (United Kingdom) and a degree (laureate) in EU policies from Florence University (Italy).

Honorary President of the France’s national rail operator SNCF and Gaz de France (GDF)
Honorary President of CIRIEC-France

As former student of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA), Jacques Fournier is an Honorary Councillor of State. He spent a large part of his career in the Council of State (litigation section then social section). He was Legal Counsel at the French Embassy in Morocco (1961-1964) and Director of Social Affairs at the General Planning Commission (1969-1972). Between 1981 and 1994, he became Deputy Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic, then Secretary General of the Government, and finally President of two large public companies, Gaz de France (GDF) and SNCF – Société nationale des chemins de fer français (France’s national railways operator). He has since had various cooperation activities, notably in Eastern Europe and Palestine. He was also a member of the High Council of the Judiciary from 1998 to 2002. He is the author of several books dedicated to transport economics and public services.

Directeur médical du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) de Liège

In the 1980s, Pierre Gillet was a general practitioner and in the 1990s became an expert in the UNMS/Solidaris research department. Since 1997, he is Professor of Public Health at the University of Liège. He has chaired the board of directors of the KCE (Centre fédéral d’Expertise) since 2003. He became Medical Director of the Liège University Hospital in 2010.

Professor at Pontificia Universidade Católica de Campinas
President of CIRIEC-Brazil

As a trained Economist, Dimas Gonçalves is Professor at the Pontificia Católica University of Campinas. Since 2000, he has been working on university extension projects for the organization of popular cooperatives. As staff member of the Solidarity Trade Union Federation for solidarity development “Central Única dos Trabalhadores”, he has been since 2015 the President of CIRIEC-Brazil.

Director of the Special Administrative Unit of Solidarity Organizations

Rafael González is an industrial engineer, with a specialization in Financial Management and Management of Productivity and Quality. He is also a graduate in Integrated Management Systems and Corporate Social Responsibility. Linked to the sector of solidarity since 2011, he currently leads the Special Administrative Unit of Solidarity Organizations for which he participates in setting up of strategies to develop the solidarity sector. His main contribution has been the incorporation of the Japanese model for rural development, with a focus on improving the quality of life and the productivity through associative strategies, among others.

Professor at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz

Dorothea Greiling is a Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria. She is the Head of the Institute for Management Accounting. Within CIRIEC Prof. Greiling is a long-time member of the Scientific Commission “Public Services/Public Enterprises” and currently also a member of the CIRIEC International Board and a member of the International Scientific Council of CIRIEC. Her main research focuses are on public sector accountability, performance management, sustainability reporting, management control systems and governance of public and non-profit organisations and regulated industries.

Deputy Secretary General in charge of the International Relations at the Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT)

A trade unionist and human rights activist, Naima Hammami is the first woman elected to the executive office of the UGTT (General Tunisian Labor Union) in 2017 since its foundation 71 years ago. A member of the Secondary Education General Union, she is also the widow of Abderrazak Hammami, President of the National Democratic Action Party. After the revolution, she represented the trade union at the Higher Authority for achieving the objectives of the revolution, political reform and democratic transition created in March 2011.

Professor at the University of Leipzig

Robert H. Hollaender is Professor of Environmental Technology and Environmental Management at the Faculty of Economics and Management Science of Leipzig University. His main research interests are municipal water services, urban waste and material flow cycles, and change management of urban infrastructure. In 2005, he established the Institute of Infrastructure and Resources Management (IIRM) which pursues an integrated approach to sustainable planning, operating and managing technical infrastructure systems for energy supply, traffic and transport, for water, wastewater and waste services. Former Vice-Rector and Vice-Dean of his University, he worked for eleven years at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.

Chief Information Officer in charge of the digital, City of Vienna

Since 2014, Ulrike Huemer has been CEO of the City of Vienna. After years as a constitutional law assistant at the University of Linz, she supervised the negotiations of the Austrian Convention for the Österreichische Städtebund. As Head of the Accounting and Tax Administration Department of the City of Vienna, she worked intensively on the modernization of the e-Government and Administration and finalized the introduction of SAP in the City of Vienna. As CIO, she is particularly committed to ensuring that digitization is recognized as a central topic for business, society and administration. She is the initiator of the projects: Digital Agenda Vienna (www.digitaleagenda.wien) and Digital City Vienna (www.digitalcity.wien).

Director General of the Cyprus Labor Institute (INEK-PEO)

Pavlos Kalosinatos is by education a political scientist and economist. He is, since 2008, the General Director of the Cyprus Labour Institute (INEK-PEO), a research and training centre dealing with economic, employment, labour relations, labour law and labour market issues. He is the Cypriot national correspondent for the EurWork, EurLife and ERM (European Restructuring Monitor) observatories of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND), member of the International Board of CIRIEC and of the Advisory Committee for Vocational Training of the European Commission. His research interests include employment and labour market policies, labour relations, restructuring, anti-discrimination employment policies and labour relations regulation.

Head of Underwriting at Ethias

Valérie Kriescher is responsible for non-life underwriting for local authorities and companies at Ethias Assurances S.A. She holds a master’s degree in law from the University of Liège and has practiced for several years as a lawyer at the Liège Bar.


Pascal Laffineur has been trained as a civil engineer (UCL) before completing his studies with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. He began his career at Alcatel in Charleroi, and then worked for SFR in Paris. In 1999, he joined the Altran Group, where he held various positions, both in Belgium and abroad. He has been the Chief Executive Officer Benelux of Altran Technologies since 2009. Since 2016, Pascal Laffineur has taken the lead of the NRB group. Pascal Laffineur is also a member of Agoria’s Management Committee at the same time.

Christophe LAPIERRE
Chief Information Officer in Healthcare at Mutualité Française

Christophe Lapierre is Chief Information Officer in Healthcare at the National Federation of the French Mutuality (FNMF), which brings together nearly 400 mutuals covering more than 38 million people. It supports mutuals in major digital transformations of social protection in France: dematerialization of exchanges with health professionals (hospital billing, third-party payment), and with companies (electronic social declarations), e-Health experiments (telemedicine). He initiated the creation of an interoperability framework common to all health insurance players in France to promote the development of online services for the benefit of policyholders and healthcare professionals. Within the Ministry of Health, he has also led the information system component of one of the main administrative reforms of recent years, the creation of ARS (Regional Health Agencies).

Engineer – Strategic projects and Innovation at Eandis/Infrax

Joris Lemmens holds a master’s degree in electromechanical engineering and a PhD in electrical engineering from the Catholic University of Leuven. He is currently Strategic Projects and Innovation Engineer at Infrax, the Flemish grid operator, where he works on projects related to renewable energy, smart grids and smart cities.

Professor at the University of Greenwich

Prof. Dr. Jane Lethbridge specializes in the analysis of global commercialisation of health and social care and its impact on health and social care workers, social dialogue and trade union responses to liberalisation and privatisation. She has worked on public health issues in the UK and internationally, for over 20 years, with experience of management and project implementation in both the public and NGO sectors. Since 1994, she has specialized in policy development and strategic management. From 2001-2007, Jane Lethbridge was Senior Research Fellow, Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU), University of Greenwich before becoming Principal Lecturer. She was appointed Director of PSIRU in 2013. She is writing a book on ‘Democratic professionalism in public services’.

Haibo LI
CEO – Founder of Bihu Mutual Insurance/BIHU ORC (Online Reciprocal Community)

Haibo Li is the founding anchor of Sino-Conflux Life Insurance and GM of E-business Department since 2010. He brought Mutual Insurance Concept in China in 2014 and then founded BIHU Mutual Insurance/BIHU ORC. Since it has been brought online, BIHU ORC covered 1.2 million members in the recent 2 years. Haibo Li has deep faith in cooperative economy for its sustainable model. He is establishing an integrated eco-system that combines Consumer Cooperatives, Worker Cooperatives and Mutual Insurance.

Secretary General of VÖWG – CIRIEC-Austria

Graduated in Law and Political Science from the University of Vienna, Heidrun Maier – de Kruijff began her career as a legal specialist in commercial law. From 2004 to 2009, she held the position of Director of Hannes Swoboda’s Office in the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg, in charge of the energy sector and foreign policy. Since 2010, she has been Secretary General of the Association of Public Services and Public Enterprises Austria (VÖWG), Austrian Section of CIRIEC. She is also a member of the CEEP, CEDEC and Eurofound Boards of Directors.

Jean-Claude MARCOURT
Vice-President and Minister for Higher Education, Research and Media of the French Community,  Federation Wallonia-Brussels

Law graduate of the University of Liège, Jean-Claude Marcourt practices as a lawyer and joined at the beginning of his career many ministerial offices in governments of the Walloon Region, the French Community and the Federal State. . In 2004, he was elected Minister of the Walloon Government in charge of Economy and Employment. In 2009, he inherited various regional and community skills including Economy, Industry, Innovation and Digital and Higher Education, Research and Media. Since July 2017, he has been Minister of Higher Education, Research and Media and Vice-President of the Government of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

Professor at Université du Québec in Montréal (UQAM)

Louis Martin is a Professor at the IT Department. Until recently, he was Director of graduate programs in software engineering and, from 2013 to 2016, Vice-Rector to the information systems of the Université du Québec in Montréal, Canada. He has consulted with more than 100 organizations in Canada, Europe, Africa and Central America. He also held the Chair of Free Software, Social and Solidarity Finance. His many experiences, as well as his involvement in academia, have allowed him to keep his current knowledge in the ever-evolving field of computer science and to promote software engineering standards and values associated with free software.

Director of Social Economy Europe

Víctor Meseguer (Spanish national, born in 1990), joined Social Economy Europe, the EU-level representative organisation for the Social Economy, in October 2014. He studied a BA in Political Science at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. In the framework of an ERASMUS exchange, he studied for a year at the King’s College London. Victor holds two master degrees: in Corporate Social Responsibility (University of Murcia) and in European Affairs (European Studies Institute, Université Libre of Brussels). 

Executive Director of CIRIEC-España
President of the Scientific Commission of CIRIEC-España

Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Valencia, José Luis Monzón Campos is the current Executive Director of CIRIEC-España. Member of the editorial boards of several Spanish and international journals, he is also a founding member of FUNDIBES and NOVAFEINA, a member of IUDESCOOP and Director of the Spanish and Ibero-American Observatory of the Social Economy. He has been Director of the Valencia School of Business Studies, President of CIRIEC International and its International Scientific Commission “Social and Cooperative Economy” and has directed several Spanish and international research projects on the social and cooperative economy, vocational training and on the labour market. José Luis Monzón Campos has worked as an expert for the European Commission and the EESC. He is the author of numerous articles and books on the social economy, notably in the European Union and the satellite accounts of the social economy.

Paul-Emile MOTTARD
President of the Liège Provincial College

Paul-Emile Mottard is a Liège politician. He began his career in the office of the Minister of Culture of the French Community from 1977 to 1980. He has been re-elected since 1977 in provincial elections without any break. He joined the Liège Philharmonic Orchestra in 1996 and left in 2000 when he was elected permanent Deputy in charge of Culture and Youth. He is also the President of the Regional Agency for Cultural Development, Wallonia Design, the Film Office (CLAP) and initiator of the International Biennale of Design and “ça balance”. In 2012, he was elected Provincial Member in charge of Culture, Youth, Tourism and European Fund. That same year, he also became President of the European Confederation of Local Intermediate Authorities (CEPLI).

Professor at the University of Jaén
President of CIRIEC-España

Doctor of Economic and Commercial Sciences from the University of Jaén, Adoración Mozas Moral is currently President of CIRIEC Spain and Advisor to the Institute of Giennenses Studies. Throughout her research activity, she focused her work on the economy and the cooperative sector, in particular on olive growing and the use of ICTs in the social economy. Author of numerous scientific publications, she has always considered it essential that the university be totally linked to the world of companies and institutions. During her carreer, she has held numerous positions related to university management and the management of other scientific organizations, including the position of Vice-Rector of Students and Professional Integration.

Munenori NOMURA
Professor at Kwansei Gakuin University
President of CIRIEC-Japan

Dr. Munenori Nomura is full Professor in Economics at the Kwansei Gakuin University in Japan. He was Director of the Institute for Industrial Research at Kwansei Gakuin University from 2010 to 2012. Since 2015, he is President of the Japanese Section of CIRIEC and since 2017, Vice President of Japan Society of Public Utilities Economics. His publications concern the privatization and deregulation of public utilities in the Europe and Japan. He focuses on the policies of electricity liberalization, railway franchising, and airport concession.

Under-Secretary for Social Economy of the Brazilian federal government

Natalino Oldakoski, a former civil police server in the State of Paraná in Brazil, succeeds the thinker and activist Paul Singer in 2016 and becomes National Secretary of the Solidarity Economy in the Brazilian Ministry of Labour. A promoter of a social and inclusive economy in Brazil, he is involved in projects aimed at the social and economic inclusion of socially vulnerable people, indigenous communities and populations in rural and urban areas. Under the current Brazilian Government, he holds the position of National Under-Secretary of the Solidarity Economy.

Minister-President of the German speaking Community of Belgium

Belgian politician, Oliver Paasch studied in Namur and Leuven and graduated in law. Member of the Parliament of the German-speaking Community from 1997, he was Minister of Education and Scientific Research from 2004 to 2009, then of Education, Training and Employment from 2009 to 2014. In 2014, he succeeded Karl-Heinz Lambertz as Minister-President of the German-speaking Community. He is also President of the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR).

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Employment, Economy and Consumer Affairs, in charge of Foreign Trade

Belgian politician and Member of the CD&V, Kris Peeters is since 2014 Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Minister of Employment, Economy and Consumer, in charge of Foreign Trade. Specialized in tax law, Kris Peeters began his career as a lawyer and quickly completed his duties as he led right after the former NCMV (Nationaal Christelijk Middenstandsverbond), an employers’ organization representing SMEs (now known as Unizo). In 2004, he became Minister of Public Works, Energy, Environment and Nature in the Flemish Government. He accomplished afterwards various ministerial mandates. From 2007 to 2014, he was Minister-President of the Flemish Government.

Head of personnel and Organisation – Staff Unit: Services of General Interest at Stadtwerke Köln GmbH Holding Company

Rainer Plassmann, studied Law at the Universities of Cologne and Marburg. He has been occupying several positions since 1988 at the Stadtwerke Köln GmbH – e.g. deputy head of the judicial department, head of strategy and central services. From 1990 on he has been representing the Stadtwerke Köln in several national associations of public services. Moreover, he is President of the board of the Academy on extra-occupational studies at the University of Cologne (VWA) and member of the supervisory board of the occupational pension fund for the companies of the City of Cologne (ZVK Köln). He is currently Head of personnel and organization and of the staff unit “services of general interest” at the Stadtwerke Köln. On the international level, he has been General Secretary from CEEP (European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of general interest) between 2000 and 2008. He is now Chair of the Task Force “services of general interest” of CEEP.

José Pablo PUZINO
President of IAIES – CIRIEC-Argentina

José Pablo Puzino has a degree in Mechanical and Occupational Engineering and is an expert in mechanics and road safety. He leads the companies Imcal SRL and Meters SRL in Buenos Aires. He is also the President of IAIES CIRIEC Argentina since 2007. Author of numerous scientific publications, José Pablo Puzino directs and supervises the scientific journal “Cuadernos de Economía Social” with the aim of promoting reflection and scientific analysis in the field of the social economy.

Chief Scientist of Québec

Rémi Quirion is the Chief Scientist of Quebec since July 2011. Full Professor of Psychiatry at McGill University, he was Scientific Director at the Douglas Institute Research Centre (1996-2011). In 2009, he became Vice-Dean (Life Sciences and Strategic Initiatives) of the Faculty of Medicine and Senior Advisor at McGill University. In parallel, he served until 2011 as Executive Director of CIHR’s International Collaborative Research Strategy for Alzheimer’s Disease. He is Chairman of the Boards of Directors of the three “Fonds de recherche du Québec (Health – Nature et TICs – Society and Culture). Rémi Quirion received numerous honours including Member of the Order of Canada in 2007. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a Member of the Order of Canada (O.C.).

Jorge de SÁ
Professor – Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (Portugal)
Vice-president of CIRIEC International, President of CIRIEC Portugal
Vice-President of the Portugese Association of Mutualities (APM-RedeMut)

Prof. Jorge de Sá is currently leading the Master in Social Economy at the University of Lisbon. Since 1974, he has been developing teaching and scientific research activities in several universities in Belgium, Portugal and Brazil. Author of numerous publications, he is also consultant in institutional and political marketing. The health sector has become one of his subjects of action, e.g. within the Portuguese Association of Mutualities and the recent confederation of the Portuguese social economy, as well as at the Institute for European Social Protection.

Head of Business of Upstream, Vienna

Gerald Stöckl works as Head of Business for Upstream – next level mobility GmbH, being responsible for Account and Project Management, Data Science, Sales and Delivery. Before joining Upstream, Gerald Stöckl spent his professional career in consulting for IT projects in the energy sector. Gerald Stöckl holds a master degree in Environmental System Sciences, as well as a post-graduate degree in Environmental Technologies and International Affairs.

Bernard THIRY
General Director of CIRIEC

Holder of a doctorate in economics from the University of Liège and graduated of Stanford University, Bernard Thiry is Professor in economics at the University of Liège. He was Director of the Creg (Commission for gas and electricity), President of the management committee of Forem, President of the Belgian National Union of Socialist Mutuals (UNMS). From 2008 to 2016, he was CEO of Ethias (a mutual insurance company). He succeeded Guy Quaden in 1990 as Director General of CIRIEC International. He is also the author of numerous articles and books in various fields, such as the public and social economy.

President of The International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF)
Chairman of the Management Committee at P&V Group (Belgium)

CEO of P&V Assurances group and FEBECOOP (Belgian Federation of Cooperatives) since 2011, Hilde Vernaillen promotes a cooperative business model. She is also President of ICMIF and Vice-President of the Professional Union of Belgian Insurance Companies (Assuralia).