• Shaping physically educated citizens:
    A challenge for school, sport and recreation professionals
    February 25-28, 2020
    Liège, Belgium

The ARIS (Association for Research on Intervention in Sport) was founded in 1999. It mobilizes a French-speaking international community of researchers, doctoral students and practitioners interested in the analysis of the practices of education, teaching, learning and training in the different contexts of physical, sport and artistic activities (APSA). The ARIS Biennials are essential meetings. They are sources of numerous exchanges and constructive interactions contributing to the evolution of the field of intervention (sport pedagogy).

The University of Liège has been actively involved in the life of ARIS since its creation. It therefore seemed logical that it hosts the Bienniale of the 20th anniversary of the association.

The 2020 edition is under the seal of the rally. All Belgian Francophone higher education institutions preparing physical educators will participate in the event. Practitioners are also highly encouraged and welcomed to participate in the ARIS Biennial meeting. It will cover all contexts of practice and will be the occasion of an exceptional collaboration with other associations including the AIESEP (International Association of Higher Schools of Physical Education), thus establishing bridges beyond the French-speaking world.

The theme proposed for this conference is directly in line with the current priorities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation of Belgium. In fact, in direct line with the Pact for an Education of Excellence or the aims of the new Sports decree. The questions posed to the researchers and practitioners will aim at identifying avenues of action and exchanging best practices that will meet the expectations of all the actors concerned.

Presentation of the conference

In 21st century society, it appears that the world’s population faces a variety of challenges that need to be addressed as quickly as possible. “Giving the means to live a healthy life and promoting the well-being of all at all ages” and “Getting a quality education” are two of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set in September 2015 by the UN.

Only concerted action involving all the pillars of society seems likely to induce concrete changes in the lifestyle of all citizens. At the heart of practice, physical educators occupy a strategic place in the implementation of any project aimed at transforming habits. Whatever their context of intervention – school, sports club, leisure, rehabilitation – they acquire specific skills and mobilize specific knowledge that allows them to animate, advise and coach various audiences.

One of their prerogatives is to enable participants to acquire or improve the skills, abilities, qualities, knowledge and attitudes necessary to appreciate the commitment to physical, sporting and artistic activities.

One of the characteristics of the 11th ARIS Biennal is to place practitioners and their trainers at the heart of the exchanges, with a view to creating links between researchers and field workers and to better understand the conditions that will allow participants to benefit from the contributions of sports pedagogy research.

In addition, the conference will open a critical discussion on the concepts mobilized in the current evolution of the missions of physical educators.

Four axes

In order to take into account the diversity of the fields of intervention of physical educators, four axes were proposed:

  • Axis 1 – Healthy schools: which missions for the physical education teachers?
  • Axis 2 – Towards quality physical education: what practices and perspectives?
  • Axis 3 – Beyond performance: what contributions of coaches to their athletes?
  • Axis 4 – (R)evolution of active leisure: what contribution of physical educators?

By visiting the ARIS 2020 website, do not hesitate to discover how participants can contribute to answering these important questions directly related to the evolution of our society. Researcher or practitioner, you will undoubtedly find a gateway that will allow you to share your experiences and we are already looking forward to welcoming you to the “Cité Ardente” …

Key dates

    Beginning of

  • call for contributions : february 2019
  • registrations : augustus 2019
  • End of

  • call for « research » contributions: september 15th 2019
  • call for « practice » contributions and workshops: December 1st 2019
  • early bird fees : january 1st 2020
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