

The conference will start at 9:00 on Monday 6 July 2020 (registrations from 8:15 to 9:00) and will end on Friday 10 July 2020 at noon.

Four main sessions will be organized, each divided in several subsessions introduced by an invited talk. Contributed talks and posters are welcome for all sessions.

Session 1: A new generation of pulsation models and seismic probing methods

1.1 Methods of asteroseismology
1.2 Pulsation models of fast rotators
1.3 Convection and surface effects
1.4 Magnetic fields
1.5 Non-linear pulsations

Session 2: New challenges in stellar evolution

2.1 Chemical transport (micro- and macroscopic)
2.2 Angular momentum transport
2.3 Energy transport

Session 3: Asteroseismology throughout the HR diagram

3.1 Helioseismology
3.2 Solar-like stars and red giants
3.3 Intermediate and high-mass stars
3.4 Compact stars

Session 4: Transdisciplinarity

4.1 Synergy between Asteroseismology and Galactic Archaeology
4.2 Synergy between Asteroseismology and Exoplanet science

Preliminary scientific program
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